How to Use Search Engines to Find Golden Keywords to Promote your Products?

There are some little known methods you can use to build a highly-optimized keyword list and increase your online sales. I’d like to share four of these methods to help you find keywords your competition has missed – some novel methods that will help you catch extra search engine traffic. Following these four steps will put you on the right path to building your internet business.


Research your niche market thoroughly – knowing your buyers well is key to forming an effective keyword list. While researching,

1. Make notes on potentially effective keyword phrases.
2. Join special interest groups online and offline.
3. Subscribe to the newsletters of your competitors.
4. Visit forums relevant to your market niche.

Once you have thoroughly acquainted yourself with your niche market, it will be time to make up a seriously effective keyword list.


With pen and paper, brainstorm possible keywords and keyword phrases. Just let your mind run free and capture all you possibly can. The list can be narrow or broad – anything from one word to six word phrases relevant to your product niche. An example in the weight loss niche would be “weight loss products” as a broad keyword phrase, and a narrower phrase like “diary-free weight loss products”.


Try these different methods to expand and add variety to your keyword list: 

1. Misspellings - With a little lateral thinking, you can come up with possible misspellings in your market niche; misspellings like “loose weight” can pull a lot of traffic. 

2. Author or Product Names - By adding an author name or a product name to your list can garner a surprising number of searchers near the end of the purchase cycle.

3. Appeal to today’s “I want it and I want it NOW” mentality - Remember the reason many people use the internet is their desire to fulfill a need immediately. They can’t even wait till tomorrow so use immediate words like “stop”, “now” or “fix”.

4. Informative Wording - Know that not everyone going online plans to buy, but you want them to visit your site anyway. To attract this type of traffic, you might add words like “how to…”, “homemade” or “free guide”.


Start by dividing your keywords list into three types of visitors:

1. Buyers - the highest quality traffic available because they are at the end of the purchase cycle and are usually close to making a buy. It’s unfortunate this high quality is also the lowest volume. Words which buyers use are the money words referred to above and also product or author names. 

2. Product seekers – This type of traffic is greater, but is lower quality since they are not actually as close to buying as the group above. This group knows about your niche and is seeking a product which will improve their lives but don’t yet know which products are available. The keywords in this group are much like the information seekers but lean more toward solving immediate problems and acknowledging the need for help. 

3. Information Seekers – This group is the lowest quality traffic but it also has the highest volume which means it is easier to attract plenty of visitors. The keywords used here will be the broadest and most general. These shorter or broader phrases usually have more competition, so you should target the long tail keywords which are more focused but have less competition. With experience, you will be able to use your natural intuition to recognize “money keywords”. Spend some time studying the search engine ratings for your targeted keywords, monitor the traffic you attract by using stats tracking, refine, tweak and experiment.

I would be interested in knowing what works best for you in targeting your buyer traffic, which methods do you use to find the best quality keywords, etc. Could you take time to share your views?

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 3

Hi friends! I have been receiving a lot of comments and emails ever since the launch of Shoutmeloud thesis theme. Few people said that the read more hack does not work. To all those who faced the same problem, you just need to use the blogger's "Updated Post Editor" and hit the "Insert jump break" icon. To know where that icon is, have a look at the following picture.
If you wish to have an automatic read more hack for your blog, that is, if you are not comfortable with the manual hack, then read the following article to install the automatic version - Automatic Read More Hack For Blogger With Thumbnails. However, there is one main drawback with this widget. The hack crushed the image which makes the thumbnail next to the snippet look worse. So, if you are ready to sacrifice the quality of image being displayed on the thumbnail, well you can go for this hack. However, I recommend manual hack because I use manual hack on my blog:)

Well, coming to the objective of this post, I plan to provide the coding for the subscription widget. It is pretty simple to add this widget on your blog. Requires little customization but very easy to add. So, let's begin with the installation. 

1. Navigate to "Design >> Page Elements" from your blogger dashboard. Now, hit the "Add a gadget" tab and choose "HTML/JavaScript". You will notice that a new window opens up, enter the following text - Receive Free Updates as the title text.
2. For the content part of the widget, just copy the following code and paste it below the space available.
<form style="padding-top:6px;" id="subscribe" action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true">
<input type="text" value="Enter your email address..." id="subbox" onfocus="if (this.value == &#39;Enter your email address...&#39;) {this.value = &#39;&#39;;}" onblur="if (this.value == &#39;&#39;) {this.value = &#39;Enter your email address...&#39;;}" name="email" style="width:170px;" />
<input type="hidden" value="EverythingAboutBlogging" name="uri" />
<input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" />
<input style="
        border: 1px solid #198DC9;
        cursor: pointer;
        -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;
        background-color: #198DC9;;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font: normal 15px Times New Roman;"
type="submit" value="Subscribe" />
<table border="0">
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Me On Twitter">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Subscribe Via RSS">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Find Us On Facebook">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add To Technorati">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src=";fg=FFFFFF&amp;anim=1" height="26" width="88" style="border:0; padding-top:5px" alt="Fellow Readers" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
3. Note the links highlighted in green color. Just replace those links highlighted in green with the corresponding links you obtain from social networking sites - Twitter, Facebook, Technorati. Similarly, replace my Feedburner URL with your feed URL. Replacing links are self-explanatory.
4. When it comes to the links highlighted in blue, those associated with the Feedburner forms, please obtain the code from your Feedburner email subscription form. To do so, hit the following link - Feedburner, burn your blog's post feed and obtain the code for your form by navigating to "Publicize >> Email Subscriptions" page from the Feedburner dashboard. 
5. The code for your Feedburner chicklet can also be obtained in the same page - just hit the FeedCount tab and customize the appearance of your chicklet. Replace the text in pink with your twitter username for the twittercounter. 
6. Save your widget by hitting the "Save" tab at the bottom right after these modifications and your subscription box is ready.

I hope you enjoyed this widget. If you have any problems in installing this widget on your blog, then let me know via comments or email and I will help you solve your problems. I have received few requests like the slider for the featured content, background color for the links appearing in the post and so on. To all those who requested these modifications, please wait. Once I find the coding for your customizations, I will post an article on the same.

Utilizing Media Options On Your Blog

I occasionally get in a rut when I blog. I write my article. I upload a photo. I move on. Recently though, I found myself remembering how when I first began blogging I loved doing slideshows, polls, and uploading videos. In an effort to bring back some of the magic, I have even considered doing podcasts, but never got around to it. I would still like to get back in the habit of utilizing multiple types of media on my blog. So being curious about the various ways I could make my blog content more interesting, I started keeping my eyes open.

Recently I stumbled upon an infographic that was kind of cool. I was actually exploring shipping companies for a Mother's Day package that required a speedy delivery. Light bulb moment! I thought, hey, there's another way I can use media to enhance my blog. Infographics. Below is the graphic I ran across while searching for shipping information.

[Via: Fedex Shipping]
And sure, displaying a link to an infographic in a passing post on your personal blog is a great way to stir up some traffic and add some interest. There are however some other benefits to consider as well. I began looking to see who had hosted the infographic on their site, when it struck me. 

Infographics not only add interest to the blog post’s that reference them, but they also raise awareness for the sites that host them. Had the infographic not visually grabbed my attention, I would have never had any reason to visit the site it was hosted on. Bloggers and business owners alike should take notice. Getting others to blog about an infographic you host would certainly attract people that may not find your business, or your blog, naturally.

Problogger's guide to Your first week of Blogging

Hi friends, there's an exciting news from ProBlogger Darren Rowse. I'm pretty sure many people read the earlier versions of his ebook, the best which I felt was "31 Days To Build A Better Blog". The third ebook from the ProBlogger namely, the "ProBlogger's Guide to your First Week of Blogging", provides a dynamic view about niche selection, social promotions, posting ideas and much more that are vital for a long term success on your blog.

So, what's exciting with this release? You might think it's just another ebook that runs for pages serving no value to my blog. May be, you are right with your analysis because most of the eBooks which I personally went through served no use. However, when it comes to Darren Rowse, it's a different issue. I personally recommend his books because if you implement what he says, at least 80% of what is said in his books, I'm sure you will succeed in the blogging world.
There was a small speculation when the second eBook  "The Copywriting Scorecard For Blogger" was released because the beginner's found it difficult to understand. This time Darren has clearly stated to whom this book is addressed for. The promotion page clearly states that it is aimed at bloggers who are beginning to start blogging with solid foundations including, but not limited to, those thinking about starting a new blog, those in their very first week of blogging and those looking to start a 2nd or 3rd blog who want to do it better

To add more spiciness on his new eBook launch, Darren has announced the following bonus.
Launch Bonus: If you buy ProBlogger’s Guide to your First Week of Blogging before 17 May you’ll get it for just $9.99 – that’s 50% off. You’ll also go into the draw to win a prize worth over $850.

Apart from the value for money(50% OFF till May 17th) you get via his eBooks, you will enter into a draw to grab the best WordPress themes. That is, you’ll get access to 37 themes  plus any other theme that StudioPress release going forward. So, what are you waiting for???? Go grab yourself a copy first. Just hit the following link - ProBlogger's Guide to your First Week of Blogging