Get Ads Box with cool CSS effect as used in Spice Up Your Blog

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Hi guys as every one knows these days the Spice Up Your Blog ads widget for the blogs are very hot to be seen and look well equipped ad box with some cool rates going high well with this post you can also get the same kind of ad widget as shown in the image beside even at your blog. This widget has got cool CSS effect  so that it makes all the advertisers think that this blog is well designed and developed and get cool advertisers.

To do this just follow the steps given below:

Get Spice Up Your Blog Sharing Widget for blogger blogs at free of cost

Hi guys as every one knows these days the Spice Up Your Blog sharing widget or subscriber widget for the blogs are very hot to be seen and look well equipped social box with some cool subscription rates going high well with this post you can also get the same kind of sharing widget as shown in the image beside even at your blog. This sharing has got cool rotating option at their same position using some jQuery Effect.

To do this you just need to follow these two below steps to get the box live at your blog.

How to add Facebook like box to blogger blogs

Well I think there are many bloggers who doesn't even know who doesn't even know how to place a like box of their fan page at Facebook promoting it at their blog to get more fans/likes so that even from the status of the page make the blog get visitors too. So here is the simple tutorial with images so that it makes easier to understand.
Before you do this you have to make sure that the border color suits your blog template whether it is light/dark etc Then whether you want the  feeds, the people who liked your page. Also collect the URL of the page you want to show the ad of.

Shareholic - New Sharing Widget for blogger blogs 2012

Founded in 2008, Shareaholic is the leader in making content sharing & discovery on the web faster and easier while also making it simple for web publishers, advertisers and mainstream businesses to measure the effectiveness of their content.

With more than 2 million browser plugin installations for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and more and its growing publisher network of over 200,000 websites using Shareaholic’s content sharing tools which are available for any website including WordPress and Tumblr,

Top 10 Premium Looking Wordpress SEO Themes with Live Demo

As every one know wordpress is now one of the most powerful blogging platform. But the things is, the blog without a premium looking or something without any SEO the blog looks shabby, so I planned giving you guys a top 10 wordpress themes in 2012 for free with full SEO optimized with full customization. This wordpress themes are also shown with some live demo, the given below themes are arranged in the order that are most used, best one or SEO optimised.

How to use permalink option in blogger blogs to create custom URLs

A permalink, or permanent link, is a URL that points to a 
specific blog or forum entry after it has passed from the 
front page to the archives. Blogger has now also introduced 
this most awaited SEO option to all its users. With the help 
of this option at blogger you can edit the way that you want
for your blog post to be set by you, with an option to write 
this as Custom URL at blogger. This option can only be 
accessed by going to the URL