Create An Effective Meta Title For Your Blog

Hi friends!!! New Year Greetings from "Everything About Blogging". I wish everyone a very Happy And Prosperous New Year - 2011. Let this year bring success and happiness in all your works. Fine. Now, Let's get into business. We know that Meta Titles/Tags are one of the important factors that contribute to the SEO of a site. This post will basically explain you, how to optimize the Meta Tags so that you make the most out of it.

Meta Tags/Titles are short descriptions about our blog/website. These are the first factors which search engines and visitors look into. So, it is very important you make these tags more effective. To know more about meta tags, you might consider reading the following articles. 

Here are the secrets to create an effective meta tag.
  • Your Meta Title should be clear and precise. Make sure you include all the primary keywords in your tag.
  • Your Meta Title should incorporate the most used words in your blog and relate to the actual content of your blog. Since you use the most used words in your tag, it fetches a better ranking when compared to other blogs in your niche.
  • The length of your Meta Title should not exceed more than 60 characters including blank spaces.
  • Above all, the most effective title tag need not be grammatically correct. It should convey what your blog actually contains and should incorporate the primary keywords of your blog.
Since a meta tag is the first factor that most of the search engine algorithms look into, it is advisable to take great care while creating it. Your suggestions for improving the meta title are welcome. So, post your ideas on improving the meta tags via comments. If you got more ideas, then you might consider writing an article for us too- Write For Us.

Why isn't my blog getting any comments?

Few days back, I had a chat with a newbie. He asked me "Why is that, your blog receives comment but, I don't receive any on my blog?" I have tried to answer this question on this post. I personally get excited when I see comments on my blog appreciating for my work. I'm sure it should be the same for many  people around the blogosphere as well. I have listed few points in this post which I feel stands as an obstacle to receive comments.

Its a pretty common mistake that every newbie makes when he/she starts a blog. Their aim is to make money and they want to do it overnight. They copy and paste content from other websites. It is important to note that the content which you copied has already been indexed by Google and your new blog will nowhere stand with the blog that's already well established. So, it is very important to generate your own articles because "CONTENT IS KING".

Secondly, it is important to make your content precise. Be clean and clear with what you say. Don't make the post too lengthy unless it is required. Use bulletins or number the points, wherever required. Highlight the keywords on your post. I would suggest every one to add a bit of humor at places in your post and to share your personal experiences. Try it yourself and see the result, because it works well on my blog and probloggers,like Darren Rowse, too suggest the same.

The second major constraint would be traffic. I have posted enough articles on increasing traffic to our blogs. So, I suggest you to have a glance at the previous entries on my blog - 
Article 1: How To Increase Traffic To My Blog?
Article 2: Improve Traffic To Your Blog.
Article 3: Increase Traffic To Your Blog With Meta Tag and SEO.
Article 4: Improve Traffic To Your Blog With Social Communities.
Having read these articles, you should have an idea where you are weak at. Optimize your site or methodology and start increasing the traffic to your blog. Apart from those, I suggest you to take part in forums/discussions related to your niche and leave your links there. It works very well, especially for blogs related to my niche (blogger tutorials, hacks, blogger widgets).

The most important factor which you leads to loss of comments and readers would be your interaction with your blog readers, fellow bloggers , forum members and other similar stuff. When some one comments on your blog, make sure you reply to their comment. Ask them to be more expressive and show some gratitude towards them. If you definitely want to make an impact, then I suggest you visit their blog and leave a comment there. This will definitely fetch more comments than what your blog is currently receiving. Also, use the social media to the best extent possible. Would stress this on my next post. Make sure you subscribe to my blog so that, you don't miss the next editions.

This is something related to the first point - content. Write on topics that would provoke more comments rather than writing some history about the topic on your article. It is advisable to write every post with a related question that would provoke users to comment on them. Secondly, ask for comments. For example, say your blog is dofollow (read more about dofollow blogs here: How To Make Your Blogger Blog DoFollow?), you may add a final tag on your blog saying - "We are a DoFollow blog. So, express your views about this post to generate a back-link for your blog".

If your blog is making good traffic and you generate a good revenue. Still, you don't receive comments. Then, you may run a contest which will temporarily increase the comments on your blog. May be, this will fetch more loyal readers to comment on your blog. Finally, make your comment process simple. Don't ask people for a login and stuff. You can enable comment moderation to prevent spam. So, stop asking people to login for commenting. Most important, make the comment section visible (USE COMMENT FORMS), not like my blog. I have a problem with the comment form, so I'm still stuck with this pop up window.

I have just enlisted a few simple ideas that can generate more comments. I'm sure there are better ways too. So, if you have any of them in your mind, please share it with our readers via comments. SEE!!! THIS IS HOW YOU SHOULD GENERATE COMMENTS:)

Add Image Captions On Hover With CSS3

I'm currently trying out few cool effects with CSS3. You might check out my entry which involves making rounded corners with CSS3 rather than the usual flat straight corners. Here, in this post , we deal with another cool effect namely, displaying the image caption only when you hover your mouse over the image. To check this effect, just hover your mouse over the image below.

Just Another Wildlife Photo
I hope you like the hover effect on this photo. This effect is visible only in the latest browsers - Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera, not in Internet Explorer.

Are you excited about this trick??? If you are not able to view this effect, it simply means your browser does not support CSS3. I'm pretty sure this trick works on the following browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. Just follow these simple steps to implement this effect on your blog.

1. Login to your dashboard. Navigate to "Layout>>Edit HTML" from your dashboard. Make a back up of your template before you do any changes in the template.
2. Search for the following code in your blog. You may use "CTRL+F" to fasten your search results.
3. Now, paste the following piece of code just above the line you searched in step 2.
#post-image {
#figure {
padding: 1px;
#figure:hover {
-moz-box-shadow:0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
-webkit-box-shadow:0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
box-shadow:0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
#figure .caption {
opacity: 0.75;
-webkit-transition: margin-bottom;
-webkit-transition-duration: 400ms;
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
-moz-transition-property: margin-bottom;
-moz-transition-duration: 400ms;
-moz-transition-timing-function: ease-out;
-o-transition-property: margin-bottom;
-o-transition-duration: 400ms;
transition: margin-bottom;
transition-duration: 400ms;
transition-timing-function: ease-out;
#figure:hover .caption {
#post-image .caption {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
#post-image .caption b {
text-shadow: 0px 2px 0px #000;
#post-image .caption {
color: #ddd;
line-height: 24px;
font-size: 14px;
text-shadow: 0px 2px 0px #000;
4. Save your template. That's it.

I suggest you to use Yahoo! before you upload any photo to Picasa Web Album because your images will load faster when you smush them.  To get more details about Yahoo, check this article - Tips and Tools To Speed Up Your Blog

Once you upload the image to Picasa Web Albums, copy and paste the URL in a temporary text file. Now, paste the following piece of code in the place where you want the image to appear in your post. That is, shift to the HTML mode in the blogger draft and paste the following piece of code.
<div id="post-image">
<div id='figure'>
<span class='caption'>
Replace "URL OF IMAGE FROM PICASA" with the actual URL of your image - the one which you temporarily saved in the text file. Also, change the appropriate text for the title and description of the image. That's all folks. Now, publish your post. You should be able to see the cool CSS effect when you hover  the mouse over the image. Share your views via comments. We love to hear from you!!!!

Making Rounded Corners With CSS3 On Blogger

Few people kept mailing me regarding the rounded corners in blogger/blogspot blogs. They wanted to show rounded corners rather than the straight edges. Since the number of mails kept increasing regarding this tutorial, I thought to make a post about them. Pretty good example to illustrate this would be consider the following boxes. Just look at the corner sections of each box.


The former looks curved while the latter is flat. That's the trick we are going to learn in this post, that is, to add rounded corners on blogger/blogspot blogs. You may use them in displaying a note(like I do) or may be on the navigation bars or to display HTML codes withing blogger posts and so on. So, you may use them where ever you want. Remember that, this trick will  be visible only in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera and not in IE. Check out the browser specific attributes table below.
Enough of the stories!!! Let's implement this trick on our blogs now!!! Just, follow these simple steps.

1. Login to your dashboard. Navigate to "Layout>>Edit HTML" from your dashboard. Make a back up of your template before you do any changes in the template. 
2. Search for the following code in your blog. You may use "CTRL+F" to fasten your search results.
3. Now, paste the corresponding piece of code just above the line you searched in step 2. Paste according to your choice; not all of them.
.example1 {
border:3px solid #DDD;
width: 525px;
margin:15px 35px 15px 15px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.example2 {
border:3px solid #DDD;
width: 525px;
margin:15px 35px 15px 15px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
.example3 {
border:3px solid #DDD;
width: 525px;
margin:15px 35px 15px 15px;
-webkit-border-radius: 36px 12px;
-moz-border-radius: 36px 12px;
border-radius: 36px 12px;
.example4 {
border:3px solid #DDD;
width: 525px;
margin:15px 35px 15px 15px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 30px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 30px;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 30px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 30px;
border-top-left-radius: 30px;
border-top-right-radius: 30px;
4. Once you have pasted the code. Save the template. Now, your ready to display them in the place you want. Just use a span or div tag to use the CSS3 of your choice. That is, paste the following code any where in the template area or as a HTML/JavaScript using "Add A Gadget" option on blogger design page or within your posts.
<div class="example1">PLACE YOUR CONTENT HERE</div>
5. Now, save your code. That's it!!!

Instead of adding pictures for rounded corners, if you make use of CSS, the time to load your site will be reduced enourmously. That's the biggest advantage with this trick. You might consider reading the following articles for speeding up your blogger/blogspot blog - Article 1 : Speed Up Your Blogger Blog, Article 2 : Speed Up Your Blogspot Blog, Article 3:  Tips And Tools For Speeding Up Your Blog. Express your views about this post via comments!!!

Floating Subscribe Buttons To Blogger/Blogspot Blogs

Recently, one of my readers asked for a widget that will display the subscribe icons fixed on his blog, that is, he wanted to display the subscribe icons static as the page is scrolled to the top or to the bottom. It's pretty simple to add this widget on your blogger or blogspot blog. Just have a look at the final preview of the widget for better understanding.
I hope you are excited about the widget. Create a back up of your template before you modify your template. To do this, navigate to "Design->Edit HTML" and make a backup of your template by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top. Once the back up is over, follow these steps carefully.

1. Search for the following of code in your template. Use "CTRL+F" to fasten your search results. 
<div id='main-wrapper'>
2. Paste the following piece of code just below the line you searched in step 1.
<div style='position: fixed; bottom: 1%; left: 1%;'>
<table border="0"><tr><td>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Rss Feed Options" border="0" src="" /></a>
<a href='' target="_blank"><img alt="Subscribe Via Email Rss" border="0" src="" /></a>
<a href='YOUR FACEBOOK PROFILE URL' target="_blank"><img alt="Find Us On Facebook" border="0" src="" /></a>
<a href=' TWITTER USERNAME' target="_blank"><img alt="Follow Us On Twitter" border="0" src="" /></a>
Note: You may add the above code as "Page Element" too. Just navigate to "Design->Page Elements->Add A Gadget" from blogger dashboard and choose "HTML/JavaScript" and paste the code in the window that appears and save it.
3. That's it!!! Save your template!!!


Once you add the above code, you need to make the first four changes in the code (those highlighted in green). First, change the text "YOURFEEDNAME" to the feed name of your blog. You can find this when you login to your FeedBurner Account. Next, replace "YOUR FACEBOOK PROFILE URL" with the URL of your Facebook fan page. Last but not the least, replace "YOUR TWITTER USERNAME" with the user name of your twitter profile. Make sure you save these changes!!!

I hope you like this widget. You may express your views about this widget and if you need some widget of your choice, please do post them via comments and I will try to figure out the code for them. We always love to hear from you!!!

Infolinks Review - Make Money With Infolinks

Hi friends, it's been quite long since I made a post about making money online. Though many people would be familiar with Infolinks, I just wanted to share my experience with them. To start off, you first should know what is a text link advertising? Basically, text link advertising means to advertise using the text in our blog, that is, advertiser chooses a keyword for his advertising campaign. When that keyword matches with the content on your blog, they get displayed.

It's very simple. As I said, when the keywords match, the advertisement gets displayed. When people click on these ads, you earn for every click they make. It's pretty simple to understand. To display the ads on your blog, you need to add a small piece of code on your blog. It's very simple. Once you sign up with them, you will be asked to verify your email address. After you complete the initial setup, login to the dashboard and navigate to "Integration Guide". 

Copy the code present on the "1-minute Integration" page. Now, navigate to your "Blogger Dashboard>> Design>> Edit HTML". Search for the </body> tag in your template. Paste the code "Infolinks code" on just above the </body> tag. Basically, you can paste the code any where in between the body tags but,  I prefer placing them at the bottom because scripts placed at the end will load our site faster. Meaning to say that people will see the content first and later the ads which is the right way to optimize your site. For more details on loading your page faster on blogger, you may refer to the following articles : Article 1 - How To Speed Up Your Blogger/Blogspot Blog?, Article 2 - How To Speed Up Your Blogger/Blogspot Blog?, Article 3 - Speed Up Your Blog - Tips And Tools

Infolinks offer the 4 customizations namely, the ability to change the color, style of underline (dotted or double underlined), set the maximum number of links per page, category which best suits your blog. It is pretty easy to customize. Just login to your Infolinks Dashboard and navigate to "Integration Guide>>Advanced Integration Wizard". Once you reach this page, it's going to be self explanatory. 


One main advantage with Infolinks is that you can happily run the Infolinks ad with the Google Adsense. I guarantee you that there will be no PR ban nor the cancellation of Adsense account. The other advantage would be the newly introduced related tags. You may place them below every post or below the title of your post or below the navigation bar to increase your earnings by more than 30%.


One main drawback with Infolinks is that they don't match exactly with the content of our blog rather they match with the normal words in our blog. To illustrate this, consider the following example. I found the word "matching" that displays a link to "", which is completely not in match with my blog's content. This is the only drawback which I found about Infolinks.

If you know more about Infolinks, please share your view via comments. Comments are always appreciated and we always love to hear from you!!!