Add your own ads for RSS feed

Hi dear readers, after my recent post Adsense revenue sharing sites, in that post I even added Shoutmeloud so I just went to the 'Advertise' Tab at that site and saw that a RSS feed advertisement for just 25 words was a worth of  $1000 per month, which will be sold at that rate per month by ShoutMeLoud.

Things blogger should not forget

Every now and then I will see a list of things bloggers should do, but I notice people are not that inclined to do what they are asked to do, while they pay more attention to things they should NOT do. That is why I decided to create the list below. The things which a blogger should not do are:

Adsense revenue sharing sites

Hi guys today I am going to share a few websites that share 100% revenue. The sites which will be shared right now has got a very high pagerank with too good visitors in it. This post can help people get revenue from Adsense without owing a high traffic blog or a website.

Best revenue generating PPC site for a blog to be monetized

Today my post is for bloggers.There is no blogger in this world who would not wish to earn some bucks out from his blog so I am here posting some sites that will help blogger
These PPC or PAY PER CLICK  are some add or something like that when visitors in your blog click on will earn money or the money will be transfered to your account.



Today I am listing 13 sites offering free domain names these domain names are useful for your websites ,to give them a professional look,so here are the lists of sites that provide you the free domain names. provides free domain regsitration service. You can register all available domain names instantly. They offers free or paid dynamic dns service with full MX, CNAME, A and SOA records. The service they provide is exactly same as Register on

Top ten free web directories where a blog has to be listed

A web directory is not a search engine and does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. Most web directory entries are also not found by web crawlers but by humans. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories. Web directories often allow site owners to submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.

This list of Top Web Directories contains the Top Directories rated by the quality of inbound links each directory has. The ILQ Rating Score is taken from the number of inbound links each directory has from DMOZ, EDU and GOV sites. Here is more info on how the ILQ Ranking system works.
